Here’s What Happens To Our Body When We Eat Brussels Sprouts Every Day
Whether you’re adapting vegetarian’s diet or looking to try out new flavor, here’s one you should!
Brussels sprouts look like miniature cabbages and they are popular as edible buds from the Gemmifera Group of cabbages. You can guess where they got their name from yup, Brussels, Belgium! These buds are really easy to prepare and cook, making them amazing to eat on their own or as side-dish.

Here are 10 reasons why brussels sprouts are an amazing addition to your diet!
1. Rich in Vit. C
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to keep our body strong and maintain the repair and growth of our tissues. Vitamin C also serves as a type of antioxidant, the main ingredient that slows down the breakdown or aging of your cells. Vitamin C is also great to stay healthy against the common cold and helps the absorption of iron.
2. Rich in Vit. K
You only need to include ±56g of brussels sprouts in your diet to fulfill your daily requirement of vitamin K. Vitamin K is vital for both the health of your blood and bone. It has the role of helping your blood coagulate to prevent excessive bleeding when you’re injured.
People with a high level of vitamin K have also been observed to have a higher level of bone density. Vitamin K works with calcium in order to keep your bones strong.
3. Rich in fiber
Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system and you can typically find fiber in green-leafy vegetables. Fiber is important to relieve constipation, help stool to pass, all because it’s the main food of the healthy, gut bacteria that works in your intestines.
Fiber has also been highly-linked to controlled blood sugar levels and improving heart health.
4. Reduces inflammation
Inflammation happens in our body when it fights against foreign or radical components that entered our bodies. This is particularly bad when we sustain an injury, whether that’s externally or internally. Antioxidants have natural anti-inflammatory properties that are contained in brussels sprouts.
Aside from vitamin C, brussels sprouts contain other types of antioxidants called kaempferol. Studies on this component show that it’s a very strong anti-inflammatory component that can be found in kale and broccoli as well.
5. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
Out of all oils that are essential to our body, we cannot produce omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids on our own. The only way is to consume fresh produce or animals that contain them. Brussels sprouts are an amazing choice to get your omega-3 fatty acids from, a choice vegetarians enjoy to eat.
Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce triglycerides, the main cause of obesity, reduces insulin resistance and inflammation as well. However, omega-3 components from plants are not as effective as the ones you can consume from animals such as fish.
6. High in antioxidants
We’ve described how vitamin C and kaempferol are amazing antioxidants components that you can find in brussels sprouts. So what do they do?
Antioxidants are the counter-component to stress. Stress causes cells to degenerate fast and by reducing oxidative stress, it also keeps chronic illnesses from occurring. Antioxidants have also been understood to fight carcinogen components, which means it’s one of the top food for anti-cancer properties.