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“He Hasn’t Talked To Me For 3 Days Now”: GF Doesn’t Want To Put BF’s Name On The House She’s Buying


“He Hasn’t Talked To Me For 3 Days Now”: GF Doesn’t Want To Put BF’s Name On The House She’s Buying

He can’t help with down payment, but should he still have his name on the paper?

At some point in our life, some of us want to be able to find someone right and settle down. A 22-year-old who was making a decent salary for her age has been living with her boyfriend for two years. They’ve decided to go on a house-hunting to settle down but their differing opinions mean decisions couldn’t be made.

And now, he’s giving her the cold shoulder and hasn’t talked to the girlfriend for three days now. Torn apart, she’s now asking the internet if she’s in the wrong.

"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying

“AITA for wanting to only have my name on the house I’m buying.”

"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying

TL;DR: she makes $80k a year while he couldn’t keep a job and has had eight different jobs in four years due to “work ethic” issues. They both set out on getting their own house instead of the apartment, but a hurdle appeared when she doesn’t want to put her name down in the deed because she is putting $400k as the deposit.

On the other hand, she was them to split the mortgage 50/50 and argued that it “would be like paying rent anywhere else.” Now the conversation is at a stalemate as neither is willing to let up.

"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying

Many were in favor of not letting the man’s name in the deed.

"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying

She added more details in a comment:

“My bf has some mental health issues that cause him to call out of work for a week or two at a time and that’s why he has had so many different jobs. We are currently working on getting him to counseling to help get this sorted out.

I will be paying for 50% of the mortgage and all utilities/repairs and other home expenses. All he is responsible for is the other 50% of the mortgage and his own personal bills.

Common law in my state is 10 years. We are not currently engaged or talking about marriage, my parents have been through multiple divorces all that came from financial issues so I’ve always been very protective of my money. I plan on being with my bf for my life but marriage itself just isn’t something I’m super down for and he knows and understands that. I have no issues helping him out financially and paying for all our groceries, going our expenses and vacations by myself and have no issues in doing so.”

But there are also a number of people who thought that half of the mortgage should be worth something.

"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying
"He Hasn't Talked To Me For 3 Days Now": GF Doesn't Want To Put BF's Name On The House She's Buying

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