Foster Kitty Displays Cutest Smile Ever During A Photoshoot And Now The Internet Loves It
What an adorable thank-you smile! Obviously contagious!!
Have you ever considered being a volunteer foster parent for homeless kittens? Do you have extra space in your home, some time and love to share? Perhaps, are you considering adopting, but not sure if a kitten is right for you.
For whatever might be your answers to the aforementioned, we at Greenlemom will like to introduce you to some Powerpurr girls.
This might certainly change your mind towards kittens.
While she’s just starting a new phase, Blossom, the Kitty has gone through a lot. But with her difficulties, she hasn’t, however, also lost her spirit.
The Kitty, who goes by the name Blossom recently gave her foster owner, Lauren Boutz an adorable smile, which couldn’t resist a photograph.
Boutz shared the photo online and it turned out that Blossom’s thank-you smile was quite contagious. The whole internet is loving it and 72k and still counting users have liked and shared Blossom’s photo on Facebook.
‘I foster kittens for the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department. The beautiful girls in this photo are Powerpurr girls: Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom, all of whom are 5 weeks old.
More info: Facebook | Instagram

Preparing For Another Photoshoot

The Powepurr Girls Preparing For A Halloween Shoot