Ex-Journalist’s Epic Comeback At Amber Heard’s Lawyer Goes Viral
“I could say the same thing… for you.”
You really cannot look down on a journalist’s experience when it comes to making the perfect comeback in front of the camera. A former TMZ journalist who was invited to be questioned on a video that was leaked by Amber Heard had gained a real 15-minute of fame because of his witty comeback.

Morgan Tremaine, who used to work as a field assignment manager for TMZ, testified in the court per Depp’s legal team’s request. The former journalist was speaking about how he received a tip-off about a supposed abuse taking place between Heard and her then-husband, Johnny Depp.
Heard’s lawyer Elaine Bredehoft, seemingly in an attempt to downplay his credibility, shot him a question, “You know this case is being televised. So this gets you your 15 minutes of fame?”
“I stand to gain nothing from this. I’m actually putting myself kind of in a target of TMZ, a very litigious organization, and I’m not seeking any 15 minutes here. Though, you’re welcome to speculate,” Tremaine eloquently answered her.
He added, “I could say the same thing by taking Amber Heard as a client for you.”

You can hear the imaginary mic-drop at this moment as Bredehoft smiled and said, “Good argumentative.”
“Oh, hardly. I find that purely logical,” Tremaine continued as he went on a roll. And you can see the room going absolutely wild from this exchange.

Depp’s team was having a field day with this as well.

Tremaine further spoke of how they were tipped off about the video and Heard’s appearance before the deposition, which led him to be instructed to dispatch paparazzi to the parking lots of law offices.
“The video was sent in through our email tip line,” he further spoke of that one clip that was already played in the court of Depp slamming the cabinets. This insinuated that TMZ owns the copyright, and Vasquez further inquired to him how they managed to get a hold of it.
“The only way to obtain copyright over media would be if we shot it ourselves, if it was sent to the tip line and the source verified it was from the original copyright owner and then either purchased from that person or given to us.”
“And then the third option would be if it was directly given to us by the copyright holder like a direct source.”
He further added, “It was much shorter than the video that’s been played in this trial. There was a bit at the beginning that was played here in which Ms. Heard is seemingly sort of setting up the camera and getting into position.”
“And then, there’s a bit at the end where she’s seemingly snickering and looks at the camera. That part was not present in what we received.”
The internet enjoyed the man’s eloquent speech and straightforward answers that revealed the truth behind the video.