Dad Permit Son To Take Menstrual Cup To School For Show And Tell Without Knowing What It Was
Felt it was a cool toy!
The term show and tell is common with school students who in most cases show off their well-crafted student’s project, a perfectly done assignment or a newly acquired technology. Students, particularly those of lower grades, love the show and tell in order to fuel their ego and sparks some level of envy among their friends.
A man has however recently landed himself in an embarrassing situation as he felt he was giving his son a playing toy to show off in the school. Unknown to the man, he had given his son a silicone menstrual cup that belongs to his wife.
It was only by the intervention and an explanation of the class teacher that the grown-up man, got to understand what he gave his son. It was quite embarrassing as both the father and son thought they had got amazing to show off in the school.
Both father and son felt they had gotten a new cool toy for show off

This story which was posted first on Reddit had since then gone viral with over 2,200 comments and 58,500 upvotes. Most internet users who came across the hilarious story gave the father a lot of commendations not for the hilarious act, but for his honesty and willingness to learn attitude.
It was actually mum’s menstrual cup

The little boy thought he had a cool toy for show and tell in school

The father got embarrassed as the teacher explains what the man had given his son

The most hilarious part of this story is the ignorance and innocence of both the father and son as they both thought they had a toy.
Users of Reddit felt the story was hilarious and worthy of sharing as they reveal their own unique story