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Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter’s Name


Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter’s Name

As a teacher, respecting your students should be number one.

We are living in a time where more studies on education and child-growth shows it’s important to treat them as important individuals. A certain girl, however, has not been feeling like that and her parents found out when she began attending online classes last month. Her story was shared on Reddit.

Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name

A dad shared this story and asked if he was on the wrong side of it.

Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name

Dad’s effort didn’t end there. He also told her daughter to try attending the class a bit earlier or later to tell the teacher the right way to pronounce her name and say, ““Keeley like really, instead of Kelly like jelly”.

But that didn’t help.

Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad is just helping his daughter to get the simple respect she deserves.
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name

The verdict? “While the teacher probably should’ve learned her name, that the real problem is she feels I challenged her authority by correcting her in class and that the names were “similar enough” for it to “not have warranted such drastic action.”

“That surprised me. I couldn’t believe a meeting was necessary, let alone that it cast blame on us.”

People were supporting this dad and he was not wrong.

Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name
Dad Left Stunned By Teacher Reaction After Correcting Pronunciation Of Daughter's Name

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