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Cuomo Brothers Couldn’t Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It’s What We Live For


Cuomo Brothers Couldn’t Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It’s What We Live For

The funniest duo ever.

Amidst the pandemic, everything we’re hearing about is how many cases we’ve got today, how the cure is going on and eventually, the death counts. We don’t know when this is going to be over, but we know we’re going to stay indoor for a longer time of period than we thought.

Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For

That is why the banter between Cuomo brothers is just what we need so badly right now.

Siblings love is always one peppered with a little bit of hate for each other’s guts. That said, Andrew and Chris did not spare a single moment of making their priorities right – talking about mom’s sauce and parents’ favorite. At the age of 62 and 49, what else would you talk about with your brother, right?

This is the content we need so badly right now.

So, they begin with the usual routine.

Next: On the gift of interrupting and keep going.

Chris on a nagging and better basketball player.

Then, on running for the president and the meaning of ‘no’.

Then, on one’s worthiness of being taught mom’s secret tomato sauce.

Then, Chris continues to brag and share the B-roll of him making tomato sauce. And the meatball of the family.

They also talk about their quarantine haircut.

Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For
Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For

They really love each other, just look at how Andrew reminds him of his health.

Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For
Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For

Despite all the jokes, though, it is a somber reality that Chris has tested positive since March 31st. And they really show beautiful siblings love as they uplift each other. And Chris still runs his show despite getting it and that it’s not a death sentence to him or to anyone else who might gets it.

We wish them and all around the world, those who have it, a speedy recovery! And we could really use a comedy show of just Cuomo brothers bantering back and forth.

Cuomo Brothers Couldn't Stop Cracking Jokes On Each Other On Live And It's What We Live For

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