Couple Tell Guests Who Don’t RSVP In Time To Bring A Chair And Sandwich
Having an RSVP makes wedding planning easier!
A wedding ceremony is one of the key events that we often look forward to. Particularly the female folks are known over time to have high regards for the preparatory stage of their wedding day. Ladies will normally want to have an idea of how many guests they are expecting as this will guide their plan-making processes.
As a result, wedding invitation cards are often distributed to anticipate guests. One of the major contents of all wedding cards is the RSVP which originates from the French word Répondez S’il Vous plait which in the English word is interpreted as “respond if you please”. This is used to get the responses of the invited guests in order to ascertain who to expect and subsequently plan appropriately.
A couple has recently decided to sound a little more brutal in their wedding invitation cards which have received lots of commendation and praises from users of the internet. The couple added some additional words of action to their wedding invitation as they categorically noted that guests who didn’t RSVP by 10 September should come along with a sandwich and a chair. This is probably because they will not be included in the plan for guests.
The invitation for the wedding, which was slated for a day in September was shared on Reddit about a week ago and surprisingly other Reddit users applauded the additional requirement of the invitation card. The post by the unidentified couples gathered up over 1,000 comments as well as commendations for courageously stating their plans.
The unidentified bride and groom’s invitation was shared to Reddit

The unidentified couple’s invitation was posted on Reddit about a week ago and amazingly, lots of users on Reddit applauded the move by the couple.

Some people have opined that couples should learn to do this as it can reduce cost

Others people, however, believed the invitation card has taught them not to rely strictly on the event but to come with their own sandwich and possibly a chair