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Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work


Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

Pay it forward and assist others in need!

A waitress has revealed how she feels like after receiving a shocking brand new car from two strangers she served breakfast.

The identified waitress, Adrianna Edwards, who works at Denny’s in the city of Galveston walks almost 14 miles to and from every day.

Adrianna Edward used to walk 14 miles to and from her job at Denny

Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

Ms. Edwards had been saving money to buy a car and her only option was to make, the more than five hours walk a daily thing in order to achieve her goal.

‘I have bills to pay.  I have got to eat. You have got to do what you’ve got to do.’ Ms. Edwards told CNN.

A couple who remain unidentified purchased for her a 2011 Nissan Sentra from Classic Galveston Auto Group

Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

Walking into work on Tuesday morning, Ms. Edward had no foreknowledge she would be driving home in a new car. A couple who remain unidentified sat in her section for breakfast and learned of the young woman’s struggle.

Leaving immediately after finishing their meal, the couple returned a few hours later with a shocking surprise for Edwards. The Texas couple purchased for her a 2011 Nissan Sentra from Classic Galveston Auto Group.

Adrianna Edwards, who works at Denny’s in the city of Galveston walks almost 14 miles to and from every day

Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

Edwards and her new 2011 Nissan Sentra

Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

Ms. Edward felt it was a big joke! ‘In my head, I was like Pranks are too cool and everything. But this one seems a tad bit cruel.’ Edward said in a confusing mood.

The gifted car will, however, help  Edwards’ long hour of trekking, and her savings so far will assist her in going to college as she had initially thought of.

‘I still feel like I am dreaming. Every two hours, I peep through the window to see if the car is still there.’ Ms. Edwards added.

The kind-hearted couple was excited that Ms. Edwards appreciated the brand new car and are not expecting anything in return

Couple Buy Waitress A Brand New Car After Learning She Walks 14 Miles A Day To Get To Work

The kind-hearted couple was excited that Ms. Edwards appreciated the brand new car and are not expecting anything in return. Instead, they want Edward to pay it forward and assist others in need as well.

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