Chrissy Teigen Just Answered A Bunch Of Questions About Being A Celebrity, And It’s Interesting
She sounds so normal, yet, different at the same time. Does that make sense?
Seeing those actors and actresses playing their roles in movies can sometimes make you wonder ‘What is life like to the people whose face are 24/7 exposed?’
Okay, 24/7 is a bit exaggerating, but it’s also that these celebrities can’t live their lives without people trying to peek into it. Because of all this attention, we can imagine that they get special treatments at times. But how far does it go? How many normal things can they do aside from not being able to ride the subway or bus?
Surprise! John Legend’s wife, Chrissy Teigen started an impromptu Q&A session on Twitter.
Oh, yes. Her answers are pretty fun to read and there are times when we understand them so much and relate, yet, we all know only top 0.1% reach that A-list and truly know what it’s like.
Anyway, so here goes the questions.
1. Being a celebrity in general.
2. The perks of being famous?
3. How does she wake up?
4. A million rooms and a million-dollar dress.
5. The normal things she misses doing 🙁
6. She makes reservations still… in her own way.
7. How do celebrities travel on planes?!
8. So, who does the grocery shopping?
9. Kids still have to go to school and dentist… right?
10. No more bus or subway.
11. Watching herself on TV got her like:
12. How do celebrities hit each other up in conversations?
13. Kids: sees mom on TV. Kids:
14. What does she feel guilty about herself?
15. She never changes her phone number.
16. Yeah, we all read gossip stories, but…
17. Security is a concern, but she has a fortress.
18. Friends from another world?
19. On going on public to enjoy the normal things people do.
20. Gotta understand fans who are just excited and happy.
21. I guess we’re having all these awkward conversations to let you have a selfie with me.
22. Planning for a safe, fun and less paranoid vacation.
23. Find people who are over with their job.
24. Award shows are… boring.
25. On strangers who like to interact with kids.
26. If you were not famous, what would you be?
27. Stop… I can’t remember that much.
28. On when she doesn’t want to accept an offer…
29. When asked if celebrities are mostly nicer or meaner than their image.
30. House payments?
31. On whether she’s met a celeb that was rude to her.
32. What about the paparazzi?
33. And what about the kids on paparazzi?
34. Do red carpet interviews look as chaotic as they do?
35. Celebs and their secret accounts.
36. And celebrities are super nice… that it’s unending.
37. She’s also got someone to deal with the bills.
38. On withholding oneself from tweeting things.
39. Do her assistants stay?
40. Traveling in groups with crews.
41. The real definition of a gifting suite.
42. Yes, Chrissy Teigen once begged to be booked for a show, too.
43. On her meeting someone, she likes.
44. On her realization that she’s now a celebrity.
45. On whether celebrities get a lot of free stuff.
46. On the weird thing…
47. On hiring nannies and their shift.
48. On what kind of change she’s experienced since becoming popular.
49. John just won’t fight back.
50. On whether you feel awesome (or super depressed on how people seem to hate you for no reason).
51. Is 2012 conspiracy theory real?
52. On anxiety about interviews.
53. On being tired… lol.
54. How does she deal with her anxiety?
55. The one thing she wishes John will stop doing?
56. And is this whole Q&A being watched? Sure as hell, yeah.