Bride Storms Wedding Dress Looks ‘Nothing Like Order’ Before Realising The Mistake
Expectation crushed by reality!
Wedding dress shopping isn’t regularly glamorous, and without adequate guidelines, brides-to-be tend to make common mistakes that stand in the way of them and of the dress they’ve been looking for. Some mistakes can be minor; others are a bit detrimental. Generally, wedding dresses can be expensive, prompting numerous bride-to-be to hunt for ways to save earnings.
For a few, the mentioned above has played out, while for a larger fraction, the ordered wedding dress has left a hole in the desired portion of the buyer’s heart. Wedding day is something to remember forever, and wedding photos, including the gown, wore for the special occasion often serve to refresh our memories.
You can but imagine this woman’s anger when her wedding dress arrived and appeared like nothing close to what she ordered. The woman, identified as Deux Aubrey from the United States, sent out messages to the store only to get an email saying she put the dress inside out. Admitting she has made a mistake, the bride-to-be took to Facebook to share how she got into the situation in the first place.
More Info: Facebook
A Few Weeks Back, Deux Aubrey Ordered A Wedding Dress Online But Her Expectation Got Crushed By Reality

For people wondering how it happened? Aubrey explained she was sleep-deprived from carrying out a 16-24 hour shift for a living as well as having to go through her final weeks. Just when her partner laced the gown up, Aubrey admitted that the store’s original skepticism and the disappointment of shopping online for the big occasion did don on her.
Here’s What She Ordered. The Online Store Had Marketed The Gown Like This

But Here’s What Aubrey Looked Like After Wearing The Gown

Having Gone Through Her Sent Photos, This Is What The Store Had To Say

‘I have no idea about shipping measures nor fashion for formal dresses. I wear scrubs and tactical boots for a living. No, I’m not naturally blonde, but it fits the bill on this one. Hoping other brides can read this and not panic nor get upset when their wedding dress arrives in the mail.’ Aubrey added.
In An Updated Post, Aubrey Made A Hilarious Facebook Post Shedding More Light On The Subject Matter

Aubrey went on to admit that anyone else can cry about the disasters and imperfect moments that hit, but it’s best if to laugh-out-loud into forever. ‘I am glad you could join us with a light heart and laugh with us into that forever. May your wedding disasters be simple fixes or at least a day hysterical in retrospect too.’ On the other hand, every bride dreams of looking perfect on their special day; hence, how would you react if you were in Aubrey’s shoes?