‘I Will Not Buy My Kids Christmas Gifts Even Though We Are Not Struggling Financially’
They’re not financially struggling, but Sue wants something more than toys for her little ones.
Cheryln Sue from Sydney, Australia, revealed that she’s not buying Christmas presents for her children. And it won’t be the first time her four-year-old boy and two-year-old daughter won’t be getting one. She and her husband agree to instead make the best out of the holiday season by taking them to events and spending quality family time together.
Sue, a 39-year-old mom of two, told her children that there are many kids around the world who needs Santa more and together with her husband, dedicate instead time to spend with them.

“We’ve explained that Santa is super busy and he does like giving presents to kids, but because you’re a kid that has got lots and you’ve got everything you need, that Santa does need to concentrate on some of the kids who maybe don’t have as much.”
She spoke with DailyMail Australia, “We rate experiences over things. Children’s attention spans are short – an experience will last years. They remember holidays, going to theme parks, zoos. My boy remembers what we did at Taronga Zoo years ago. A stuffed toy just doesn’t bring that sense of wonder.”

The children aren’t necessarily missing out on toys – Sue and her husband have been buying plenty of toys for them. And she’s completely fine with other families who choose to stick with the traditional way of buying their children physical presents. She shared, “I’m not against presents but I’d rather give them a memory than an item they could get bored of in days or weeks.”
“I’m not against what people want to do for their own families. I 100% realize each family is different. There’s no judgment on my end,” she continued. “We’re just making it so they’re (children) appreciative of the toys they’ve got.”

Sue wants to avoid the pressure that comes with getting Christmas presents, especially nowadays when many feel like getting one is a competition.

The mom was reminded of a Facebook post of a mom who felt like she was bad for not being able to get a present for her kids this year. Sue reacted, “That resonated with me. How has she tied her worth as a mother to her ability to buy her kids presents? She’s not a bad mum, she simply needs to be present with them.”
“I’ve seen parents under so much stress, just that intensity of getting gifts from overseas or in time for Christmas. Is that what we want to teach our children?”
And Sue even shared how a friend had also taken her as an inspiration and discussed with her own kids whether they want to go on trips for next year instead of physical objects as presents. Sue said, “I thought that was amazing, as she’s trying to take inspiration from what we do.”