Artist Who Made People Cry With ‘Black Cat’ And ‘Good Boy’ Comics Just Released A Sequel
Black cats deserve love, too.
Due to superstitious beliefs, black cats are often seen as bad omens due to the color of their fur. Unlike other colors where cats can come in various mixed coat, cats can come in pure white and black colors. Among abandoned and euthanized cats, a majority of them are black cats.
In order to fight against that notion, Jenny Jinya draws a comic that shows how untrue it is. Jenny’s original black cat comic went viral, showing a grim reaper consoling a black cat that was run over. Green Lemon found out that she’s drawn a sequel to it and it’s equally saddening (but also uplifting at the same time!).
Here is the original comic.

She drew the sequel to address what happens to the old lady.

Let’s raise the awareness!

Back in the past, there were even rumors of black cats being adopted around Halloween months to be sacrificed in rituals. But fortunately, that thing is more of an urban legend nowadays.
“We certainly do not have any hesitancy about adopting black cats at Halloween,” says an animal services manager for Washington County, Deborah Wood. Regulation has also been put in place for animal shelters to require IDs from adopters and conducting interview before they can bring home a pet.
Black cats can just be as cute and adorable as every other cat and that’s the final conclusion we will stand by until time indefinite.
People can’t stop crying and praising this black-cat-awareness comic.