Albino Woman Who Was Bullied For Being ‘Cursed’ Now Becomes A Model
‘I couldn’t be prouder of who I am’
An Albino Woman taunted because of her skin has overcome the negative comments from individuals who believed and accused her of being cursed by landing on a modeling contract.
Christelle Mengue, 29, born in Cameroon, Africa was relocated by parents to Paris, France for her safety to live with family. The big move didn’t, however, make it easier for Christelle, as she revealed she felt neglected by the black and white community.
Christelle Mengue, 29, taunted because of her skin has overcome the negative comments from individuals who believed and accused her of being cursed by landing on a modeling contract

Born in Cameroon, Africa, Christelle was relocated by parents to Paris, France for her safety to live with family

Christelle went on to reveal she spent her teenage years wearing make-up to mask her white skin as well as dying her hair. Currently, the young woman is acting as an advocate for others with the same condition –Albinism as she has fully embraced her skin and gone out publicly to promote self-acceptance.
The big move didn’t, however, make it easier for Christelle, as she revealed she felt neglected by the black and white community.

Christelle spent her teenage years wearing make-up to mask her white skin as well as dying her hair

Living in Sutton, Surrey, Christelle said: ‘When I was young, I got to understand I was different but had no idea why. Even when I grew up in a white community in France, I was still not accepted. I have six brothers, but the only one with albinism. Maybe one of my ancestors has it.’
‘When I was young, I got to understand I was different but had no idea why’

‘Even when I grew up in a white community in France, I was still not accepted. I have six brothers, but the only one with albinism’

She continued: ‘In Cameroon, my family accepted me wholeheartedly, but others believed I was cursed. Medics equally said I was disabled because of my condition due to a lack of melanin. So my family thought It would be best for me to live in France to have a better life.’
The young woman is acting as an advocate for others with the same condition –Albinism

Medics equally said Christelle was disabled because of her condition due to lack of melanin

‘Throughout my time in school, I was regularly bullied because of my skin. The kids constantly called me a ghost, weird and ugly. It got even harder when I grew into my teens as other girls started having boyfriends and I was the odd one out.’
During her time in school, kids constantly called Christelle a ghost, weird and ugly.

However, Christelle was hunted for by a French Modelling Agency and presently her whole outlook on albinism has started changing.
Good News: She landed on a modeling contract

She’s signed with Models of Diversity, who campaigned for a greater diversity of modeling talent on the catwalk

Christelle also features in their 2020 calendar

She’s signed with Models of Diversity, who campaigned for a greater diversity of modeling talent on the catwalk. Christelle also features in their 2020 calendar.