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30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet


30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Impress your friends, date or partner with these newfound knowledge.

There is never a stopping point to learning. You can never be too old to know something new because the world, the universe, is just full of wonders to explore. With the lockdown keeping people in, reddit user u/RyanBlitzpatrick invited people to share the most interesting knowledge ever.

You will absolutely love everything you read because these facts are just truly mind-blowing and will change the way you look at the world.

The cold never bothered them anyway.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

So dense.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Time travel theory.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

The university was found in 1096 while the Aztec Empire, 1428.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Brain loves to play with you.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

It’s white.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Beware of people who keep pigs.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

There are no known city as big as the super colony.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Methuselah is the longest living man recorded in the Bible.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

There is always someone there.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Too high.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

I’ve been lied to my whole life.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Mitochondrial eve.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Can’t go vibin’ with them.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

This interesting theory about aliens.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

How do these people go through their life?

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Imagine hearing someone singing in their shower in San Francisco and you’re in New York be like, “What?”

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

3 trillions trees, over 250 millions stars.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

But they don’t have a solid plan for the current pandemic.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

A positive year.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Woot, what a save!

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Our brain is one of life’s biggest mysteries.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Are you… are you really the same as me?

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

These queens are mo fascinating than we think.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Some scientists conclude that it is due to the high heat produced.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet
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Beautiful, ancient creatures.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Such accuracy and speed!

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Takes more than that to kill a bull moose.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

Our sense of distance vertically sucks.

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

The very device you’re using is one of the results of that wonder!

30 Most Interesting Facts People Shared On The Internet

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