17 Hilarious Tweets From Women Who Know How To Spread Humor On Internet
Most hilarious tweets from humorous women.
Thanks to free of speech, women are today allowed to make the funniest jokes on Twitter. The lockdown has been driving people nuts and mad and these women decided to pour out their thoughts, mind, and madness into tweets.
They are probably limited to 280 characters, but within that, these women showed what a natural comedian they are. Rotting cosmetics, dusty shoes, and lack of self-care since nobody is going to see us for the next full month or so have woken up their hidden sense of humor at long last.
i admire how when babies dont want to hold something anymore they just drop it
— secular angel (@mixedmediapaper) May 11, 2020
absolutely no one:
my dad doing virtual reality:— Ashley(@ashleycacioppo) May 16, 2020
delete a letter of his name from your contacts everytime he makes you upset. when his names gone, he’s gone. hangman that mf.
— zsdrillaaa (@zinubsid) May 9, 2020
I just don’t see bras making a comeback after this
— Tomi Obaro (@TomiObaro) May 11, 2020
i would like to talk about this video of snoop dogg listening to the frozen soundtrack in his parked car
— amy brown (@arb) May 13, 2020
Me letting my dad check my car to make sure the mechanic not trying to overcharge me for car issues.
— kydee ✨ (@peculiaraddison) May 14, 2020
— mrs. marcus cutter (@theearchivist) May 15, 2020
you’re legally required to say “OH big stretch” when a cat or dog stretches, regardless of the actual size of the stretch
— meg monk (@MegMonk) May 16, 2020
— ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ (@merelynora) May 13, 2020
really grinds my gears when babies have that lil soft spot .. you were in there for 9 months and couldn’t finish making your head ?
— i praydalor my sodakeep (@AlmondTiddies) May 14, 2020
happy mother’s day to every straight guy’s first 3-4 girlfriends
— kylie jansen (@kylieGjansen) May 10, 2020
I wish I lived in that neighborhood, I’m jealous!
— 𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖝𝖎 🦇 (@alexivenegas_) May 14, 2020
person : how are you?
— ✰ (@ayyslayy) May 11, 2020
me : i literally have no idea
listening to this song at age 13 used to get me high like actually
— jam (@notnotviolet) May 13, 2020
i wanna be at a rooftop bar, in a dress that’s an inch away from revealing all my grace and mercy, while being one drink away from texting “wya? come get me.”
— Lavendar (@lavendarjames) May 15, 2020
i don’t know who he is, or why hes making bracelets, but i’ve woken up at 4am to say good for him. you make those bracelets. hell yeah man.
— ky 🪐 (@actuallykylee) May 14, 2020
2020 : january, february, lockdown, december
— ✰ (@ayyslayy) May 14, 2020