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Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies


Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

All given a name to match their distinct personalities!

A Labrador has shocked her owners by giving birth to 13 puppies, one of Britain’s largest-ever litters. With predictions by vets to give birth to about 5 to 6 puppies after an Ultrasound, her owners had no idea that the brood would attain a double-figure.

Black labrador Beau had an ultrasound five weeks into her pregnancy and vets predicted just five or six puppies

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

With predictions by vets to give birth to about 5 to 6 puppies after an Ultrasound, her owners had no idea that the brood would attain a double-figure

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

Beau got set back with two in beating the record earlier set by a black Labrador who had given birth to 15 puppies in 2014.

Puppies flew out when the first time mother went into labor in early September after creeping under the owner’s sheets. The breeder, Leah Barret, 32, who is from Allhallows, Kent delivered the puppies with her sister Alice. And shocked father,  Nick hurriedly called his friends to share the news.

Beau got set back with two in beating the record earlier set by a black Labrador who had given birth to 15 puppies in 2014

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

While the birth didn’t happen without a drama, one of the puppies got trapped in the birth canal by Beau’s placenta, which had come loose

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

They managed to revive her and all the puppies are now thriving, with all but two sets to be sold for £950 each

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

‘We thought there were just up to eight, so roughly estimated eight-hour labor. But after at which seven were born in just 40 minutes, we were startled. They were just flying out.’ Leah said.

She added: ‘My dad was also shocked, so he called his friends. He told them, oh my God, there’s nine, now there’s ten and so on until the 13th came. He was the one supposed to be helping me, but my dad was just too excited.’

The puppies are all growing increasingly lively. The Barrett family has given each pup a name to match their distinct personalities

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

Leah, who delivered the puppies, said she did not sleep for weeks because she would have wake up to feed the runts of the litter

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

While the birth didn’t happen without a drama, one of the puppies got trapped in the birth canal by Beau’s placenta, which had come loose.

‘She was there for almost 40minutes and by the time we got her out, she wasn’t moving or breathing.  We were panicking because we thought we had lost her. It took about ten to fifteen minutes to get her breathing. I used the suction equipment to suck out all of the fluid out of her lungs. It was indeed a good job.’ Leah explained.

The boys are named Ziggy, Ninja, Danny Dyer, Stevie, Bear, Neon, and Stormy

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies
Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

The Barretts are now selling all but two of the Kennel Club registered pups at £950 each

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

On the other hand, Leah planned to train ‘beautiful’ Hope, who was trapped in the birth

Labrador Surprises Her Owners By Giving Birth To 13 Gorgeous Puppies

While the family named the plucky pup ‘Hope’ the boys are named Ziggy, Ninja, Danny Dyer, Stevie, Bear, Neon, and Stormy. Including hope, the girls were named Violet, Penelope, Baby Pink, Paloma Faith, and Penelope.

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