20 Of The Worst Gendered Toilets Signs People Shared On Twitter
From men referred as sausages to women as eggs!
There’s undeniably nothing wrong with accepting the future of gender-neutral bathrooms, but then some bars, malls, and even restaurants have insisted on making things way more complex than they have to be. Instead of using the clear signage that shows a bathroom is for men or women, many businesses have a little fun with their toilets sign using both artwork and tongue-in-cheek code word.
While the intent of these remains humor, many have resulted in falling flat. Fart jokes are naturally hilarious but creating jokes purely to label which bathroom is for which sort of human is pretty weird and just not that funny. Recently, Aaron H. Aceves sparked outrage on Twitter after tweeting that he spotted the worst possible way to gender bathrooms.
Aaron shared photos of toilet doors that read: Eggs Peaches and Sausage Banana. The uncomfortable signs instantly got others to share their bizarre toilet signage, and it ranges from Balls and No Balls to Innies and Outties, among others.
More Info: Twitter
If you’ve ever stood in increasing discomfort trying to figure out exactly which door you’re meant to go through, our compilation is for you. Have a look!