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Photo Of A Newborn Baby’s Sharp Manicured Nails That Could ‘Tear Your Face Right Up’ Went Viral


Photo Of A Newborn Baby’s Sharp Manicured Nails That Could ‘Tear Your Face Right Up’ Went Viral

Is this bad parenting or a cute trend!

Newborns are innocent, cute and their tiny bodies tend to smell good. But then can we all agree that babies can sometimes be creepy and gross too? If your kids aren’t putting you on the run, you are indeed lucky, but here’s something that might interest you. Photo of a baby’s manicured fingernails has gone viral, leaving an open question of either being a cute trend or bad parenting. 

The photo that surfaced showed a baby with claws, and it has undeniably outraged mothers who claim it can tear up one’s face. Posted on @daily_earthpix on Instagram, the infant was seen firmly gripping someone’s finger with pointed nails like that of a beast. It’s uncertain if it’s a genuine photo, but, of course, internet users were quick to point out the hazards of the child’s sharp nails. 

Photo of a baby’s manicured fingernails has gone viral, leaving an open question of being a cute trend or bad parenting

Photo Of A Newborn Baby’s Sharp Manicured Nails That Could 'Tear Your Face Right Up' Went Viral

‘Cute or not?’ The caption reads. As seen, it appears the infant had a manicure and was wrapped up in a yellow and white blanket. Thousands of comments have been left on the image since it emerged, and almost every commenter expressed abject horror to the post. The baby’s parents have been dubbed irresponsible, and a few insist that the newborn be removed from their care.  

‘Baby nails are sharp enough as it is; those things would tear your face right up.’ A user said while a second added: ‘An itchy eye could result in permanent blindness.’ A few argued the photo was photoshopped or the nails were pressed on the baby for a joke. Some pointed out it could have been an honest mistake, revealing their kids have quick-growing nails requiring daily attention. 

Photo Of A Newborn Baby’s Sharp Manicured Nails That Could 'Tear Your Face Right Up' Went Viral
unsplash (not the actual image)

Nevertheless, it’s challenging for moms to know when to cut their newborns’ nails as they don’t want to hurt the little beings, but regardless it has to be done. 

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