33 Things That We’ve Silently Been Doing Our Whole Life But Never Talk About
Hilarious yet truly relatable things.
We’re all unique creatures, each one of us. We’re the top of the food chain, some prefer to call us as the ultimate result of evolution. But surely… that doesn’t help the fact that we keep one or two weird things about ourselves from others. Rejoice, guys, you don’t have to keep them hidden anymore. We all know about it.
There is absolutely no way that you’ve never done at least 3 of the things that have been listed here. No way.
Brushing at night!

A painful, wide, sweet smile of mine.

Wow, 6 more minutes to waste.

*checks pockets* Nope, I am clean.

My friend wondering why it takes so long for me to reply after the read.

Every single slang word.

The shower takes only 5 minutes.

Can’t let people know I’m dumb.

I can reach the sky!

Not just the aquarium, at the zoo as well.

Uh-huh. Keep going.

Blanket FTW.

Let no one knows I am dying.

Totally worth it.
Why did I open my mouth?

Thank the Lord for auto-correct.

I hope I didn’t kill anyone.

Yes, I reached the goal!

Honestly, though.

Okay, sounds sensible.

It’s an achievement worth noting.

We need to appreciate artists more, folks.

That’s a sensitive question, okay.

I’m a very mature man.

Quality sleep is essential.

Every, single, FREAKING time.

The only way to enjoy your mundane, simple life.

Oh wait, how do you silent this thing again?

The skill that you need for this.

Stop, don’t pressure me like that.

I blow my food until I feel slightly dizzy.

Summing up what my schedule looks like.