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32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men


32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Stay safe, guys. Seriously.

Did you know that women have longer life expectancy than men? Of course, there is also the reason that it was mandatory for guys to be involved in the military during the world wars. But as we enter the 21st century, things have cooled down and we’re not living in times of war.

Why do men still at risk of dying earlier than women? You’re about to find out and it has got to do with doing stupid things.

Don’t worry, got the safety squints on, boss!

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

“My buddy sent me this from his job site today”

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

The new member of Robotics team.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Dave checked this about two decades ago.

A fire security door in German that is also the exit door.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Found this guy digging in a manhole on busy 4 lane road. No cones, no truck, just an orange vest.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Woodstock, 1969, sound crew members being craned up to their stations.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

If you forget the parking brake, your gonna have a bad time.


It’s called being creative.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Rope jumping, no biggie. Except that this glassblower is doing it with molten hot glass.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

On our vacation to Egypt, we had to call in a plumber to fix the toilet and he casually just climbs out of window in flip flops.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Man wearing his helmet for safety.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Because TVs can’t drive.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Took some meaningful break in the afternoon.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

This is how you paint the sidewalk Mexican-style.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men
Fabricio Galicia

Absolutely safety first.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Keep rollin’, rollin’.

How can this go wrong?

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

This is why women live longer than men.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Guys with their pressure washer.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

They work together in Portugal.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

His welding protection.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

It’s definitely a great idea to unplug the electric car barehanded while using the petrol cans as stilts.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

They got safety helmets. Safety first!

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Demolition man signing off!

Safety director went for a break. The boys took their chance.

Yup, he’s doing it right. Right on the edge.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Marvel, but he’s just a builder.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Fixing the bulb on the edge, home edition.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Yeah, just push it out, I’ll grab it by standing on my car.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Going to be fun getting back down.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

So a friend fell off the roof.

32 Pics Prove Why Women Live Longer Than Men

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