31 People Shared The Most Interesting Facts To Satisfy A Dad’s 4-Year-Old Daughter’s Daily Request
Kids aren’t the only ones interested in these!
Fun facts stay fun even when we’re adults. Just look at how many things we’ve yet to know just by looking through this list! People of Reddit kindly share a huge bunch of interesting facts that really say a lot about how little we know about life. Spiders have house cats and cows can make best friends, just to say a few.
Scroll on to see things you can say to impress your kids or maybe even crush!
It’s illegal in Switzerland.

Elephants weight.

Bee communication.

Kangaroo on walking backward.

The new queen bee ritual.

Dogs and your scent.

Humans can glow in the dark!

Baby panda.

Are you nuts?!

Bear and Not Bear.

Spiders and house cats.


Lobsters were cheap.

Striped skin.

A day in Venus.

Belly buttons in animals.

How ancient is the pyramid?

Sea otters’ cuteness.

A very old university.

Best friends!

They came back with more.

Never thought I’d say poop is cute.


Don’t we all?

Pluto’s long journey back.

About 256 years old due to a wound.

A happy cat doesn’t smile.

Will they bring the service back?

Healing properties of a cat’s purr.

What is this lie?!
