30 Times People Regret Everything They’ve Done That Led To This Moment
When you have a bad day, think of these people.
Life is a wheel that goes up and down. When it goes down, however, it can get really low there that you wonder what is it in life you have done so wrong to get there. Why is life so harsh towards you, when you just want to enjoy ice-cream while watching some Netflix?
These people have probably the most unfortunate moments in life and we wish that their life will only get better in the future.
I’m mowing lawns for college money, my money just feel out of pocket and got shredded.

They emptied 6000 bricks in the wrong address.

I burnt my hand taking tomato soup out of the microwave. The toast I was making popped up and it scared me.

Tried to save $150 with installation fees for my microwave.

This man driving a bus filled with suspected virus carries with one man in hamzat suit behind him.

She lost her ID.

Being absent-minded can be disastrous.

He just wanted him to sleep early.

Self-explanatory painful image.

He will be wary of cinnamon rolls from now on.

She got her chair.

Moments before getting wet from tears, and of course, the drink.
Sandpaper to the windshield.

How to not mount your wall.

Just wanted a nice picture.

When an unknown number doesn’t identify themselves first.

That is an exceptional dumbness.

Boss absentmindedly poured beans into roasted ones, so we have to separate them… 10,000 by hands.

Painted myself into the basement.

Abort, abort!

That dejected look everyone had of just quietly looking at the disaster in front of them.

Yes, seagulls are JERKS.

Good news: he didn’t have perforated bowel.

Someone started their day badly.

Should have got a mover from the beggining.

When you forgot to roll your windows up and it’s now winter wonderland in your car.

Fat squirrel had just stolen my edible.

Imagine those sticky hands.

Painted yourself into a corner. Poor guy.