The grandest and most majestic of them all – the housecats. They demand no less than the best entertainment quality out of their hoomans. Dogs are amazing best friends. They might be a little loud when they need food, but have you seen cats? Have you seen the way they’ll just quietly sit on the most pressuring part of your chest in the morning to tell you it’s time for breakfast? Or the way they start into your face like a hired assassin?
These cats are living the life we’re dreaming of, lazing around on their favorite window while staring at cats and sanitation workers. Enjoying meals anytime they want and even served with fine art views in the bathroom. What’s not to be jealous about, really?
“Hobbes is a scarily accurate alarm clock. Here he is demanding food.”
“I made my 17 year old King Arthur a cardboard iron throne.”
“Everyday Momo cries until my boyfriend puts him in his “hammock” for nap time.”
“Cat bedroom is complete! Birb TV is on!”
“She likes to watch the bin men but can’t see out by herself.”
“If they don’t go out at sunset to watch the birdies roost everyday I never hear the end of it!”
“He loves getting raked by the back scratcher. He is my zen garden.”
“My cat sits in her “boat” in the hot tub every single day and refuses to get out even after an hour! Her name is Trixie.”
“My cat loves sitting in pants so while I don’t have anything to do I wear an extra pair of pants to let him sit with me.”
“My husband and cat share a birthday week.”
“Sometimes I wonder if I spoil the cat, seeing him with his iPad, in his yurt.”
“My mom crocheted a couch for my cats.”
“Babe, of course the cat will never come between us…”
“King of the World.”
“Made her a bridge to the window she always stared at but could never reach.”
“Bean likes to be carried around in empty soda cases.”
“My Dad (79) went from “I don’t want that dang cat” to carrying her to “her room” for bed each night.”
“Just two guys walking their cats in strollers.”
“I’m pretty convinced that I have the world’s clingiest cat. He loves to be picked up, kissed, held, and above all he loves taking naps on my lap. This is what happens when I tell him he can’t sit on my lap while I’m trying to work.”
“The first day I got my kitten, I took a bath; she somehow managed to hop the tub and take a snooze on my shoulder. Months later, she still likes to snooze in the tub… Can’t get a moment alone… and I thought cats hated water.”
“My Brother’s Cat Is The Light Of His Life”
“My Sister Is Babysitting My Cat, Benny. He’s Very Demanding”
“Built Our Spoiled Babies A Loft For Christmas”
“I Bought My Cats Child Sized Camp Chairs”
“When You Have To Give Your Cat A Decoy Laptop”
“My Cat Likes To Have A “Cocktail” Whenever I Have A Drink (She Meows Until She Gets It) And She’ll Only Drink Out Of This Festive Glass”
“Spaw Day With Dad”
“She Demands Cuddles On Days I Get To Work From Home”
“Our New Kitty Demands To Be Cuddled 24/7. This Is How We Hold Her When We’re Gaming”
“Our Cat Is Obsessed With Blanket Forts, So We Made Him This. He Has Wares, If You Have Coin”