Stay at school, kids. Like, for real, TikTok videos, viral tweets, and Facebook accounts aren’t going to teach you the essentials. Your biology textbook and the lessons your teacher share are vital to helping you grow into a decent adult. You don’t want to be a man that believes women pee from their vagina.
For the longest time, women are ostracized because they are physically different. For now, no more is the time we show that men lack even the most basic common sense about women and for them to know their place. Men who didn’t bother to Google to learn about women’s anatomy or ask their mother so they can show the minimum respect when speaking to one.
“What’s a uterus?”
“You get a period! And you get a period!”
“Guess I should be slathering my whole body in foundation then.”
“The Hole closes up.”
“Found this two-fer on an AskReddit post about the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard someone say.”
“W O A H”
“A new service for beauticians to offer?”
“Sexualizing women’s bodies often leads to women feeling alienated from their own bodies.”
“The Eternal Burn”
“She just got pregnant by herself, like the Virgin Mary!”
“Can you imagine?”
“Props to historical women.”
“Why do some men think they have the right to explain women’s bodies to a woman?”
“Nicole Kidman is a man.”
“What a time to be alive…”
“This is doing the rounds on Facebook. The comments are as expected…”
“Don’t let them get away with an easy birth.”
“In reference to a post I made about my female funkopops always falling over because of their tiny bodies.”
“Girls can’t orgasm apparently.”
“Menstrual pain is a myth!”
“How does this guy handle wiping his own butt?”
“I just… I just can’t.”
“On a post about a funny tampon story.”
“That’s sex ed for you.”
“What the hell does that even mean? What is she supposed to do?”
“Yeeterus. Some of the guys in the comments were very concerned.”
“On a thread about the stupidest comments Redditor’s SO (spouse) made.”