30 People Share What Movies Present As Normal, But It Actually Isn’t
Movies might have a bunch of things in them that never happen in real life!
Imagine a world where the good guys disarm a bomb seconds into exploding or the inconsiderate girl that changed her heart suddenly and falls for the ordinary guy and lives ever after. Of course, you know such only exist in the movies, and in the real world of the bomb would not have a timer in the first place. The girl probably will move to a new city, totally oblivious to the guy next door.
OG_Builds created a thread on r/AskReddit and asked people to share what is totally normal in movies but never actually happens in real life. And, did people deliver! The Redditor’s post received 28.8k comments in 2 days and more than 64.2k upvotes.
Movies might have a bunch of things in them that never happen in real life, but that’s why we love them so much. Scroll down and check for yourself.
1. Hacking is unbelievably fast

2. The pushy guy in the rom com ends up with the girl while in real life a restraining order probably

3. Looking away for a solid 10 sec while driving to hold a conversation.

4. Women can be in the jungle for days but no body hair is visible anywhere. Men instantly grow a beard

5. Outrunning an explosion with almost zero injuries in the aftermath

6. Zooming in a low-quality image into the size of a microbe with perfect clarity

7. Girls go romantically squee

8. People waking up with perfect make-up

9. It takes an hour for DNA results in forensic samples to be released.

10. Friends magically meeting without any reason whatsoever

11. Bombs with special display counting down to zero

12. 20 year olds owning lavish apartments

13. Hackers with perfect codes that run well the first or subsequent entry

14. Grocery shopping yet you never get to see them eat the stuff

15. Unlimited bullets and sniper accuracy while shooting bad guys

16. Detective always have an empty parking available even in the busiest cities like Downtown Manhattan

17. Meeting new friends almost immediately after moving to a new town

18. Sometimes talking it out saves a situation

19. Running with high heels on without spraining a heel

20. These bad guys are so polite

21. Everyone is attractive and physically fit

22. Uninterested woman developed sudden liking for a loser and they live happily ever after

23. Academic and professional pursuits unbelievably take little time and effort

24. Working as a waitress but living large in an expensive apartment

25. Mom makes a huge breakfast but Dad and kids grab a bagel on their way out, totally ignoring the rest

26. Comfortably holding a conversation at the club while loud music is playing

27. People recovering incredibly fast, even from head injuries

28. Waking up from a long coma and being able to walk almost immediately

29. Curious to know how

30. Sometimes even lacking basic manners