30 People Share Hilarious Job Interview Blunders They’ve Ever Had
Not sure if I should just die after this.
Job interviews give us sweaty palms and forgot how to speak like a proper adult. All those confidence, well-crafted answers just go fly out the window and it feels like we forgot how to talk. It does come easier when you’ve had experiences before, but it’s still quite a scary experience for a lot of us.
Harriet Williamson took to Twitter to invite people in sharing their worst job interviews ever. Hey, don’t worry about failing because there is always something you can learn out of it!

Here we go.
His job was a vet tech.

As your soul leaves your body…

Just so you know.

*Wipes sweat* So, yeah… You’re hi-hired.

Men who can’t be bothered with setting aside time for their employees.

When your brain just basically stopped functioning.

You did what?

He was hired, that’s all that matters at that point.

Oh, no. What does it mean?

He still got paid for it anyway.

So, am I hired?


Sounds like a fun place to work at, though.

It was at Yahoo.

Facts. All facts.

You can’t NOT hire this person.

Scottish for 8 months.

Is that really what this job requires?

Where’s the newspaper?!

Unorthodox method.

An extra position opened up, naturally.

That’s your quality that will help us make spicy burgers?

If that’s your kind of team, then I’m out.

What have YOU brought to the company?

I’d like to die now, thank you.

Obviously, not worth getting an internship from.

Yes, she’s hired.

The things this employer have seen.

But you said tough situation.

Not hired.