30 Idiots Who Prove They Don’t Deserve To Become Pet Owners At All
These horrible people really exist.
Animals are not humans and they don’t possess the adaptability human beings to do. Thus, when you choose to bring home a creature, make sure that you are ready to commit to giving your all to them.
That includes feeding, caring, providing them a warm place to sleep and a litter box. You also have to provide social needs by playing with them and taking them out for walks. Traveling, vacation and even starting a family are all things that can be affected by your pet.
Yet, these people didn’t seem to consider all that properly when they took in their pets. They also didn’t seem to do their research, consult to vets, or make actual efforts to at least leave their pets in the right hands when situation pressures them. Nope.
Compiled by BoredPanda, here are the kind of people who shouldn’t be allowed to own or be near a pet.
1. The evicted family left their family cat on the porch.

2. Family cat asked to be put down.

3. A really excited dog before the disappointment.

4. This retarded vegan, Sonia Sae, who thinks foxes can suddenly be vegan. Jumanji now suffers from spontaneous convulsions and a severe skin condition.
5. Dogs are not baggage.

6. Evicted woman took the kitten’s mother and left the kids for a week without food or water.

7. This dangerously obese dog.

8. Loving sprayed “FREE”.

9. Giving away 12-year-old dog because of a new puppy.

10. Neighbor throws a bag of dog poop into the trees daily.

11. Another “FREE”-labeled dog.

12. Another dangerously overweight dog who gets feed 2 hotdogs with mustard every morning.

13. You let your dog pee in the elevator?

14. A woman dumped her dog in someone’s front garden.

15. Giving out cat on Craiglist because she got a new Bengal kitten.

16. Dog’s mouth taped tight because he wouldn’t stop barking.

17. Woman dumping her litter box from top floor. This building is supposed to be a pet-free apartment.

18. She let her dog escaped because she was ‘tired’ of it.

19. Disgusting man washes dog’s back on a water fountain even after being called off by passer-by.

20. Another poor animal forced into a vegan diet. Looks malnourished.

21. Neighbors moved out without their cat.

22. She’s ‘sad’ because she doesn’t have a dog anymore.

23. Dog poops on the balcony because owner doesn’t walk the dog out.

24. Owner used a product and put it back on the shelf. Gross!

25. Someone tied their dog out there when it’s below 0 degree Celcius for almost an hour.

26. Having a fat squirrel as a service animal.

27. Someone leashed their dog on the parking lot while going to the gym.

28. And this owner who tied a bag of dog poop on the crosswalk button.

29. Do you think this is funny? Having your dog flashing its butt to everyone eating?

30. This owner should have his makeup kit confiscated and the cat rescued.