30 Honest Tweets About The Things ‘Today’s Kids Will Never Know’
Nostalgia can’t be controlled!
One great bonus of growing up or being born earlier is getting a pass mark on educating the youth. Have you closely observed the 90’s Kids? Every move they make, every breath they take, they always reminisce about the good old days.
Unfortunately, getting older also implies watching all the stuff that described one’s childhood become incredibly irrelevant.
Being an altered process as technology makes mincemeat out of an earlier form of media/things, it doesn’t, however, also mean we have to hate on the millennia.
Nevertheless, since a decade has come to close, some folks on Twitter have started posting about ‘Today’s Kids and what they would never understand.
With the #TodayKidsWillNeverKnow Tweets, users are getting a whole depository of things that perfectly define those born in the past.
Ranging from WordArt Gallery, Floppy Disks to Tapes, none of it appears like stuff modern kids would want to understand. Do you know what we are talking about? If No, scroll down to check them out yourself!




























