30 Hilarious Tech Support Hell Technicians Didn’t Sign Up For
A genuine question here: did anyone die in the making of these pictures?
Tech support is a job that helps people deal with their technical equipment. The tech support we refer to here is a computer, internet, and related hardware and software issues. Most of the time, they are people who have absolutely no idea what they’re doing and head to the support. Hence, the issues are usually… not hellish.
But once in a while, there are technicians who really want to say, ‘I didn’t sign up for this because of how ridiculous the situation is. It’s honestly got to the point that these technicians can legit say there’s way more to unpack on the site than just tech issues.
Rat infestations, misleading ticket descriptions that may lead to fire hazards, bullets… you name it. The tech guy has everything.
“Mom, can we get business-grade Ethernet Switch?
– No, we have business-grade Ethernet Switch at home.
– Business-grade Ethernet Switch at home:”


“While we’re posting pierced fiber lines.”

“Why is my mouse not working?”

“Improvised way to supply power.”

“Go check the switch closet. We think something might have gotten unplugged somewhere.”

“Wife spilled coffee on laptop…”

“Trouble ticket read: After office renovation, internet doesn’t work.”

“A dove made a nest in the projector in my classroom.”

“Student spilled nail polish on computer. Mother tried to clean it and washed off 26 keys.”

“Why would anyone make this?”

“So… this came in today, and it’s glorious.”

“It’s actually fully functional.”

“I don’t work in tech. My hospital has some occasional network issues… I’ve finally seen behind the curtain.”

“When they get creative with the only working audio output they have.”

“Customer describes a “slight” burning smell.”

“Saw this in the basement of a mini-mall.”

“This “watercooled” PC I found for sale online.”

“This must be the work of a madman.”

“Don’t use lemonade to clean your mouse. I thought the acidity would clean off the buildup of crumbs and Cheeto grease, but it just attracted these ants. I left home for 2 days, just to see this on my desk.”

“The way the “electrician” repaired his own mistake at my home without notifying me (optical fiber entry link). ‘They shouldn’t notice.'”

“Always need some fibre in your diet.”

“To ensure maximum keyboard stability, HP decided 57 screws was the magic number for the X360.”

“…no, I have never dropped my phone in water or anything.”

“Found this on a user’s desk.”

“Server is down!”

“Playstation 2 slim “doesn’t turn on” also seller had no idea what happened to it.”

Coworker had an important thumb drive fail on her (solder pads tore off)… just a little bit of janky soldering and I was able to recover the files just fine.”

“The surprise found by technicians after working on an internet outage in Mexico.”

“Hang in there, baby.”