30 Hilarious Neighbors Who Really Spice Up The Life Around The Neighborhood
The weirdest and funniest bunch ever.
That one joker and interesting person who lives around the house, do you know someone like that? Most neighborhoods do, the difference is only how weird is yours? Well, if there were a competition on the funniest, weirdest neighbors ever, these people would definitely compete close to each other.
Just like that one song that sings ‘you’d think how did I get here, sitting next to you’, just imagine how did these people end up as neighbors with these people.
The neighbor’s Halloween decoration for this year. We are go for spooky!

Neighbor’s tortoise escaped and walked almost a street away. At around 250 pounds, this was their solution to get her home!

My family is moving and my mom decided this is how we’re saying good bye to our pain in the neck neighbor

Neighbors built a new fence and nailed the dog accessibility requirements.

We’re bored with Netflix and are instead judging neighbors’ WiFi names for entertainment.

109 degrees outside today and the neighbors break out this beauty.

My neighbors walk their parrots.

This feud that has been leveled to Google Maps scale.

Carter knocked on my door to ask for a banana and then left.

Our fire station is located next to the police department. We love pranks.

I fixed my crack with a tape, but my 92-year-old neighbor thought it was an obvious way to label the bins with unit numbers.

Sis and her husband lives in a small town. They found a note on their front door one day.

Neighbors new decor on their lawn’s genital.

My neighbor having a meeting early morning at 3am.

I tried using gestures to tell my neighbor, a 93-year-old non-English speaking neighbor, to use a scarecrow. He did.

Neighbor’s turbine has had a bad bearing and make loud noises, but it went quiet recently.

Neighbors are complaining to me.

I adopted a stray cat and a neighbor’s cat got it pregnant. This morning:

I was having a really day, but then I looked in my neighbor’s yard.

This trash panda just lounging in neighbor’s gutter.

Neighbor froze a snowball and threw it to me mid July. So I say, game on for this summer.

Neighbor is using microwave for mailbox.

Friend’s new neighbor has a weird hobby.

A cat with bad habit.

Friend found a note on one of the dorm’s doors.

The difference between guys’ (top) and girls’ (bottom) apartment balcony.

Neighbors told us about movie filming, definitely did not expect this.

Neighbors forgot shutting their sprinklers down and it went below zero last night. Now they have a Narnia yard.

Just a dog hanging on the fence literally to look into next door.

Looks like our neighbors are communicating.