30 Hilarious Memes By Parents Who Are Now Fed Up With Homeschooling
When will this be over?!
Teachers aren’t paid enough. There I said it. It’s not just about their ability to teach a 2nd grader Math and Science. It’s the mental capacity to resign to the so-called fate of becoming 10-year-olds’ second parents at school. As any parent who’s been in lockdown long enough understands, kids are cute but also insane.
We don’t want the government to reopen schools when it’s still not safe enough out there for the kids. But at the same time, our prayers for the pandemic to quickly pass by is getting stronger as we face each day, dreading to homeschool the kids. Parents dread the idea of going back to learn math for the kids.
There might not be a better way to say ‘I feel you’ than sharing these memes. We hope they serve as some comedy relief in the midst of this crazy situation. And a reminder that the kids won’t forget your hard work… probably.