30 Hilarious Dog Thoughts That Every Dog Owner Understand Very Well
The best so far!
Same as humans, dogs also have many thoughts, they can’t just express them as much as a human being can.
Well, there’s a particular Twitter account @dog_feelings, who is an adorable project that tries to experience the world through the eyes of our best friends.
Garnering over three million followers, it regularly shares things any doggy might be thinking about. Like, the extent of the outside and the essence of the leash.
While not scroll down to check out our compilation and who knows, you might get to understand your dog.
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Revealed by Matt Nelson, the same creator of the Blockbuster, We Rate Dogs, Nelson became a social media impression from the improbable of locations – The Applebee’s in North Carolina.


Nelson and a few friends were at the location after a golf tournament on November 15th, 2015, when he shared the idea of @dog_rates.

























