30 Hilarious Comics About Fruits & Veggies With A Dark Humor
Fruits gone bad, but the jokes remain fresh.
Fruits are fruits, and they can’t be more than what they are. That is what people think until NY Cartoonist puts them on the stage as the main characters. With a bit of tweak here and there, they become endearing creatures that make readers laugh and brighten up their day.
“Food with a tude” is how ‘Fruit Gone Bad’ comics run. But they’re not always about those fruits; sometimes veggies, bread, and even nuts would make an appearance. NY Cartoonist has actually expanded his works to all kinds of food, such as noodles and pizza. What was pretty recent was the Christmas trees.
But they’re part of nature and the food we eat. Pinecones are edible, too!
Aside from donuts with affair and fruits with workout schedules, you’ll enjoy the abundant dad jokes that they crack. You and 78.3k Instagram followers of the comics!
More info: Instagram



























