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30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life


30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

They beat cancer’s ass and you can, too.

Cancer is a b***h. We can all agree to that. It is one illness that doesn’t show many dire symptoms early on. It is troublesome at best and lethal at worst. Life can seem so pointless and many have fallen in their fight against it.

But it’s not one that cannot be won. No, it is one that CAN be won and these survivors are living proof that no matter how hard, you can win it. Chronic illness can really rob people of a life full of joy as you focus on surviving, but even if you have the worst of brain tumors, you too deserve a happy ending.

1. Fought cancer 4 times, survived 4 surgeries, 55 chemotherapies, 28 radiation treatments.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

2. First day in hand and last day in person. She beat cancer up.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

3. One year later and f**k cancer.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

4. Gorgeous won against cancer.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

5. She won against cancer and has won for 10 years.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

6. Sophia is smiling after kicking cancer’s ass 3 years ago.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

7. One week after declared cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

8. Opted for experimental chemotherapy after diagnosed with stage 4b Burkitts Leukemia in 1999. He was 17 vs. 14 years later, cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

9. The girls recreated their viral picture. 3 years later, all cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life
Lora Scantling

10. She was 19 and diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. 3 months was her life expectancy. 14 months later, she’s cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

11. He went through 14 rounds of chemotherapies, 30 radiation treatments, and 4 surgeries. He’s now a happy boy.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

12. Both pictures were taken on the same place, same date, 2 years apart.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

13. He survived and left the hospital 16 years ago.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

14. Just a few months ago…

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

15. Same beauty and is 2 years of cancer free. She’ll never forget the hard work and the pain helped her grow.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

16. She had 6 cycles of chemotherapies. Here’s her one year after her last one.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

17. One of her chemo and the other on her wedding day. She’s cancer-free for 2 years now!

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

18. Him in 2013 and now, cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

19. She won against cancer 19 years ago. Here’s her glow up in 2017.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

20. Survived cancer and high-school, eventually.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

21. She shaved her hair reluctantly after they began to fall off from chemotherapy. But 8 months later, she had the most gorgeous golden locks of curls.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

22. He is celebrating 8 years cancer-free.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

23. She lost her hair. Now, her hair is almost an inch and her eyelashes, as well as eyebrows, have returned.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

24. He’s 3 years cancer-free and happy.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

25. At one time, a lack of awareness almost killed her with ovarian cancer. This young woman is cancer-free for 2 years.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

26. Ryan has survived and is cancer-free now.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

27. She survived the tough journey and is cancer-free for 5 years now.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

28. Same beautiful woman, one in December 2016 and one, after winning the battle.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

29. He’s now cancer-free for 10 months.

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

30. Daughter beat Timmy Tumor!

30 Before And After Photos Of People Who Beat Cancer That Will Make You Love Life

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