30 Celebs Who Hilariously Turned Their Fans’ Photos Into Masterpiece
Amazing human beings!
There aren’t many who get the honor to meet their idols or celebrities. But these people were able to make precious memories with them entering their life – uninvited! It’s just genuinely hilarious to see how these celebrities act so funny and goofy around ‘normal’ people and it’s the love we want to see during these days.
Bikini wedding crasher! Serena Williams Crashed Wedding Wearing Leopard-Print Leotard during the vacation in Miami.

For real guys, Dave Chappelle photobombed our shoot.

Bound to be photobombed by Aquaman one of these days if you take your pictures in Hawaii.

Old man with cigar spoiled this man’s photoshoot with a celebrity.

Bumped into Adam Sandler on Sunday while taking wedding pictures.

Obama pranking the boy who slept during Father’s Day Ice-Cream Social.

There aren’t many situations you can be in to say that ‘Bill Gates happened on me.’

Friend took a fun picture with Elijah Wood.

You may be a drunk Tom Hanks fan, but he doesn’t mind.

Mark Hamill pranks ‘Star Wars’ fans with Epic Surprise for Force For Change.

Elijah Wood faceplanted on my bo*bs today!

His childhood story: crying loudly while meeting Bill Murray.

Arnold Schwarzenegger pranked visitors and pretended to be a (very real) wax figure.
Can you see Aaron Paul making it into our Coachella selfie?

Fan sent a fan-mail to Tom Hanks and to her shock, she quickly replied.

Shop says Liam Neeson gets free breakfast, so he came to get it.

How Chris Pratt post pictures of him with Jennifer Lawrence because fans asked him to.

Johnny Depp was Jack Sparrow as he walked around South East Queensland and took pictures with the local police.

A friend of mine met Fabio and it could only go downhill from there.

Don’t you hate it when a wild Micheal Cera photobombs on your selfie?

Girl took a cardboard Danny DeVito to her prom. He replies by taking a cardboard version of her to Paddy’s Pub.

The Rock loves to prank adults and kids when they ask for a sign on their back. He writes on their shirt, flipped the sharpie, and pretended to also write on their head and neck.

Matt Garza decided to photobomb this girl’s once in a lifetime picture!

Ken Jeong has the best photobomb face.

Coul Sprouse has a whole account dedicated to catching fans who pictures of him secretly.
When The Rock photobombs your selfie.

Took a selfie with Beyonce in New Orleans and she said, “Whatever face you make, I’ll make.”

It’s like the couple was trying to get a picture of him, but Jake kick it up a notch and told them, “I know.”

Michael Rooker hopping onto the set for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ and mess around with Marvel fans.

Adam Savage loves going to cons in costumes – and nobody recognizes him.