28 Pics Show That Some Things Always Remain The Same
Changes happen! Still, not all things change!
We all know that time passes really quickly and perhaps very fast. It can sometimes be impossible to trace or monitor it as a result of being occupied.
But do you know that there are things that never change: Children’s dream, love of pets and importantly love shared within a strong relationship.
Likewise, a resemblance to our parents, and grandparents after comparing photos from a family album doesn’t change as well. We Are showcasing the evidence that not all things change completely in our lives and they’re awesome.
Recreation attempt: Success!

‘They both grew so fast.’

‘My parent celebrating 37 years of being together.’

Me as a baby wearing a ridiculous wig vs. me at 21 with the hair I ended up growing.

‘Taken 20 years ago!

40 years later.

’15 Years later, My sisters and I re-created a photo, same spot in Pompeii.’

‘My daughter and granddaughter at age 2. 1998 and 2019.

Her 60th birthday present!

‘I wait to see if my family will realize the old and new photo is different.’

My mom and her youth age. And here’s me!

My son and I planted our faces on a copier, then and now.

‘My mom had taken me to Walt Disney World in 1996 when I was 15. This summer, at age 38, I brought my kids’

’27 years later, My Dad and I still sail’

Recreated Christmas pictures for parents.

‘Twenty-Years later”

24 years in between.

10 Years later! Orlando Bloom and Peter Jackson in The Lord of the Rings and in The Hobbit

Since Windows 98, it was only getting better.

‘Childhood dreams do come true.’

Dad and daughter! My husband and I divorced seven years back, but the pair still spends a lot of time together.’

‘My father in 1925 and in 2015.’

My mother and I in 1992 Vs Me and my daughter in 2016

‘I found an old picture of me playing a computer game. And it turned out I haven’t changed much.’

‘It’s just like the Game of Thrones hasn’t ended.

Can you spot when it was taken a digital camera and with a phone?
On the left was mother in 1980. Now in 2014, her daughter.

Same photo nearly 30 years apart.. I am the baby in the first photo and holding my son in the second photograph.