If there are skills in this world that I’d like to master at this very moment of the pandemic, that would be savagery. That was random, but after seeing these people with their savage remarks and actions, you won’t be able to help but feel the same.
Being savage is all about that creative remarks, understanding the border of the relationship you have with the other person, and knowing when to land the blow just at the right pressure.
Savage boyfriend ordering whatever girlfriend ordered.
Asked mom for a light bulb. Forgot to specify the size.
It took him 10 months. Wouldn’t take even less than a week for me.
Good morning, I expected you dead.
Imagine finding your teacher like this and she acts like it’s all normal.
Mariah Carey and her Christmas wish.
Look, that’s the 2% milk guy!
Kid fell asleep in history class and here’s the teacher tying his shoes together.
Mom loves Dave a lot.
Her dream, his nightmare.
Don’t need it back. Just die with it.
Hating on these university polices.
My dog tries to make me jealous by climbing on my mom and looks back at me, like, “This could be us.”
Tyler Heep won $1 and did not want to let his fame slip away.
Snow White, but it’s 2020.
Sending an alarm to all Stephanies watching the TV.
The dresscode this couple decided on their wedding.
Quentin Tarantino is a real savage.
A very nice, Valentine’s Day gift.
A savage chimp.
She dressed up for Halloween as guy’s biggest nightmare.