People are showing even less retrains than ever these days because it’s the time of ‘freedom of speech’. Everyone can have their own opinions and we don’t have to force ourselves to like something if we are not. People began to let their savage nature out and fortunately, we have a virtual outlet for these people to go.
Well, the best part of it all is if you know how to enjoy some jokes, you’ll definitely love these people. But on the other hand, you may end up feeling offended by some!
1. It’s like the hundredth time of the day and the thousandth time of the week.
2. Thought you’d never ask.
3. She fought with them all.
4. How Lion King live action should have looked like.
5. Most of dad jokes are uncalled for.
6. The professional mourner.
7. The takeaway – always check your stolen coffee creamer.
8. Mom made sure he remembers.
9. “HOLLERING! Mymotherhasnochill!”
10. Nobody can ruin this date.
11. She got her kicks and there are people honestly believing frappajappajooza exists.
12. She got trolled.
13. This mom who won’t lay her hand, but definitely knows the perfect revenge.