People make mistakes, and there isn’t much we can do about them. Even the most perfect, seemingly foolproof planning can go awry with just one single error. It’s not like people purposely fail at these things.
Yet, there are times when we really want to say, “You had one job.” This frustration appears to be relatable to many people, and a subreddit was born eight years ago. The subreddit named under the very same phrase is a compilation of mildly frustrating failures at work.
C’mon, how could you mess up right there, where everyone would see, on the simplest part?
“Nope, no problem here.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s an avocado!”
“Got the Christmas lights up. They’re… candles. Yeah. Really.”
“Visible confusion.”
“Apparently, mermaids have butts.”
“One space was all it was needed.”
“Figured out the clam’s age boss!”
“Posted the sign, boss…”
“Ah, scohol. Those were the days.”
“Finished labeling the package, boss.”
This suicide bomber boarder Daallo Airlines with his explosive laptop. It exploded 20-minute after takeoff, sucking him out from the hole he made. He was the only fatality.”