25 Of The Most Hilarious Text Messages From Neighbors Ever
How to not text your neighbor.
Neighbors can be such a blessing and curses. Speaking from personal experience, the enemy of your enemy can be your friend, and it’s like having this mini-battle as you unite to exact revenge on one and make a temporary truce with the others.
This list of text exchanges between neighbors shows just how nosy some people can get. But the witty responses are what Greenlemon likes – as long as it’s not harming anyone, please don’t be a jerk to others!
1. Disgusting smell.

2. Manscaping.

3. Plumber scenario.

4. No prob, mate, see you Wednesday!

5. Guess it’s too hot for a jacket then.

6. Driveways.

7. No, Missy is not invited.

8. Unsubscribe!

9. I’m trying to impress someone.

10. Three inches is three inches.

11. Hooked up with a neighbor.

12. New workout on tramp.

13. Psycho.

14. Such kindness, much unneeded.

15. My problem, but you’re the root.

16. Chilling.

17. Birdwatching.

18. 30-day rule.

19. Relationship advice.

20. Please change your chimes.

21. Stop blowing!

22. And sorry.

23. So, the vinegar.

24. How dare you expose me.

25. How to not describe a woman.