25 Interesting Pics That You Really Should See Once In Your Lifetime
The most amazing pics and facts ever!
Did you know that leaving sheep unsheared for years look totally gross? Or have you watched how disgusting and harming for health are dirty hands to humans? These pictures show some of the most interesting facts that exist in this world. We won’t be going out for the next few weeks or even months, so make sure to check these out before you die.
Corroded tap water sink looks like a detailed map of nowhere.

Turtle freshly reemerging from hibernation.

Before and after this man walked across China a year later.

This is a pure golden bee.

The circle of life of a leaf.

A sunset view above the clouds.

The powerful legs of ballerinas.

This post blizzard picture in Ohio near Lake Erie.

This is a hard disk that stores 10MB from the 60’s.

Dún Briste seastack that was severed from mainland in 1933 and shows millions of years worth of history.

An actual passport for Pharaoh, Ramesses II.

This small scale visual representation of the sun and earth (small blue balls).

If you collect a cup of sand from different beaches for 3 years:

How babies get their X-ray (no, this is not an abortion picture.)

A star on the eyes of an electrician who was hit with a 14,000 volt shock.

That entire house is being moved back for 200 ft.

If you’re wondering, that’s a polar bear claw.

A sealed water bottle that was brought down to show the pressure difference.

A picture of the sun taken from the same spot at the same time every week for a whole year.

The circle of life of a coffee.

The sheep who escaped shearing for 6 years!

These hairless guinea pigs look so much like small hippos.

A boy’s fingerprint after playing outside, unwashed.

World’s smallest park, Mill Ends Park, in Portland.

A very GIANT sunflower.