25 Hilariously Weird Things About High School That We All Thought As Normal
Looking back and realizing how extremely weird that was.
The school is where most of our childhood memories are. The good, the bad, and the weird. For some amazing reasons, our young brains managed to reason with the weirdest happenings at school. Maybe it was because our imagination was still active when we were young. Or maybe we were just that weird.
Anyways, these are the kind of dark histories that schools don’t talk about. Kids are always unruly and even cruel. Yet, they are innocent creatures that look up to cool images and copy things adults do. So, maybe it was just the weird adults around them that led to these things?
That weird obsession everyone thought was the norm.

Homemade wallets business.

“My chemistry teachers solution to people stealing her calculators.”

Those Cheetos and Pixy Stix dust make you feel ‘adult.’

These unusual ‘traits.’

How did we all do this?

School teaches life’s essential. Literally.

This weird diet.
The bloody review games.

“College student gets stuck in bathroom. Posts to “Overheard” Facebook page for help.”
There’s an explanation for this, but yeah… how did we think like, “Oh, that dude’s personality is puking.”

Those coarse toilet papers – nothing like using your own toilet.
Yeah… public school and its random rumors.

It’s a day of blessing.

That does not erase the fact that we’re getting out of here, ‘sir.’

The edgelord cat lady? Yeah.

The toilet becoming the weirdest dumpster at school.

I’m more intrigued by who started this rumor.

Creaking on this chair to stretch back.
What were they on?

You all women need to chill, it’s just light.

The universal pass for bathroom.

Still asking the same question 10 years later.

That 5-minute-mile run.

The random dump.