25 Hilarious Times Cats Acted Like Total Jerks To Dogs
Hilarious cats who acted like the biggest jerks to their live-in canine pals.
Siblings bond is that which can’t be broken but when it comes to pets, they sure have portrayed that boundaries can be pushed to the limits. We all have a special love for our pets and regardless of what they do to get into trouble, we always forgive – after all, they don’t know better. Besides, are you aware that our feline friends aren’t bothered to reveal who runs the house?
From the face-licking wake-up call to continuous barking until when let outside, they’ve indeed asserted rights on their human counterparts. Every owner cares for their pets and it can be hard to refute they can be total jerks at some point. Luckily, these moments are hilarious and here we’ve compiled times cats were up to sorts of mischief. Have a look at the hilarious pranks of these cats who were certainly up to no good. Enjoy!
Your End Has Come Doggy

Sadly, Nothing Can Be Done!

When Did Cat Start Eating Dog’s Bone?

Cat Touched Dog To Make Her Growl

Cat Tried Drowning A Dog. It Survived!

The No-Eye Contact Nor Passing Through Moment

Cat Is Apparently Not Pleased With Dog’s Return

Check Out The Cat’s Face. That’s A Bossy One

Pretending Cat Is A Complete Jerk

Cat Performs Sneak Attack On Senior Dog

When Cat Controls The Stairs, No Passing For Dog

Cat Stealing Dogs Bone. Crookedness!

Emergency 101! Trapped Dog By Vicious Beasts

Dog Lost Bed Space To The Troublesome Kitten

He’s Got No Choice Than To Be Fine

Why Is Dog So Scared Of This Cat?

The Most Infuriating Godzilla Kitten

Cat Took Over Dog’s Water Bowl With A Pee

Give Me What I Ask For And The Dog Survive

Dog Converted Into The Animal Rug By Cat

Why Does Cat Look Forward To A Dog Growl?

The Cat Vs. Dog Strangling Moment

You Can Have The Space After All

Catto Say No Passing, Hence Getting Stuck Is Inevitable

Do You Need A Dog Sitter, I’m Available