25 Greedy Landlords Who Show Their True Colors During The Pandemic
They made sure to raise rent when people can’t move out.
We’re all in this together. We’re all suffering from businesses having to close down, raw materials rotting and demand suddenly dropping. Nobody will get out of this unscathed, even if you’ve worked from home to begin with. Not being to go out is driving some people mad.
But if you have been a mean landlord, now is such a good time to show that you still have at least a hint of kindness in you. Now is not the time to raise the rent when people can’t move and not the time to say ‘business as usual’ when everywhere but essential businesses are closed down. And not to push people to the brink of desperation.
It’s harsh on us all, but some people are stranded and in huge risk by staying out when it’s safer inside.

Before you cuss, the Internet did its magic and our fellow brother is holding on.

A phone call for heads up would be nice and respectful, just saying.

Landlord demanded for non-existing stimulus check + he owes $20.

No one is free from this peril.

Do landlords seriously think 90% of tenants will try to get by every month without paying their rent?

And you’re wondering why people aren’t being understanding towards you, greedy landlord?


Someone is trying to care for the elderly during a pandemic, can’t you show some compassion?

He knows how to make sure everyone pays, even if they’re disabled or miserable.

Ignorance and greed is a single picture.

A legal prick like you is the reason people can’t be nice to each other. Seven flats, two houses, but still being greedy.

Kids bored during quarantine? Not my problem!

Ah, pandemic! It’s time to raise the rent, folks! (This is illegal, by the way.)

No, Hyman Properties, it is not OK and this illegal.

You’re not a landlord. You’re just a self-centered, egotistic being who shouldn’t be allowed to manage anything.

People are barely hanging on and this landlord thinks it’s cool to ‘get rid of cockroaches’.

There are many timings, but not during a world crisis.

These are sensitive times, but by no means is an upside down plant pot will make your property look ugly.
This person should be jailed.

Your threat won’t work.

Definitely didn’t mean that you’ll be evicted if you can’t pay rent because of the pandemic.

TL;DR: I don’t care if you are not economically stable or if it’s a pandemic. Give me all the monies.