25 Facts About Life In Norway That Will Amaze Anyone Non-Native
They can differ between region, but natives can mostly agree.
Norway, a gorgeous country with mesmerizing fjords and a great country to watch the dancing lights of North. But it’s also known to be an expensive country to live in with goods sold at 55% the price of any European countries. But it’s balanced with the high salary that ensures everyone is living a good life.
Here are 25 facts by Greenlemon about living in Norway that will shock you even more than the expensive goods.
- People trust each other to the point that they are willing to lend you a key to their home for the weekend and trust that you will return it back.
- Couples actually spend time to buy furniture together and it’s actually vital in the eyes of Norwegian. To them, relationship becomes closer when you actually make a trip together to IKEA.
- Norwegians see private space as truly important and don’t do small talks. They will take two seats on the bus and will think something is wrong with you if you sit next to a stranger. Unless it’s the last spot on the bus.
- Because of that, they are also reserved and don’t really express their emotions more than a tap on your back.

- Medical service is expensive in Norway.
- Scandinavians believe that 90% of health problems can be solved with three things: physical exercise, fish oil, and ibuprofen. You literally cannot buy anything other than painkillers without a prescription.
- Ambulance is only meant for serious situations and going to the doctor means you need to make an appointment 2-3 weeks in advance.
- Toll roads are inside the city and drivers have to actually pay to use the road.
- Norwegians are also eco-friendly and people in Oslo are actively buying electric cars.

- Norwegians work no more than 7.5 hours a day or 37.5 hours a week. They have a total of 5 weeks of vacation annually.
- Your CV picture needs to be happy as it’s an important requirement to get hired.
- You get your vacation pay in June no matter when you take your vacation.
- Manual labor workers are very well-paid and it includes handmade products as well as the service industry.
- Norwegians seek to feel cozy at all times, wherever they are. Even if it means going to the mountains without water or electricity or decorating public transport stops.

- Food is also expensive here, although the average income is about €4,000 per month. A family of 3 generally spends about €180 every week.
- Norwegians have a peculiar sense of saving as they don’t ask for the discount when purchasing an apartment but will drive hundreds of miles for €5-6 off a bottle of wine.
- By returning plastic bottles to grocery stores, you can earn money and the country recycles about 97% of their plastic bottles.

- Women make sure their babies are born before September 1st just to secure a spot in a kindergarten.
- The country also cares about motherhood and newborn children, giving 9 months long maternity leave which can go up to one year. After that, parents leave their children at the kindergartens and experts help them say goodbye so kids won’t feel sad.
- Kids drink soup only once a week in kindergartens.

A typical Norwegian meal for kids at the kindergarten.

- Mothers try to get their kids out a lot no matter the weather.
- Kids also get to eat fast food as mothers don’t like breastfeeding kids who are more than one year old. They love to go to McD’s.

- They also let kids sleep outside in the cold – even if it’s -5C! Legend says that it will get the kids used to the cold and their bodies more resistant to viruses. Of course, the kids are wrapped in thick wool blankets inside covered strollers. No scientific evidence proves that this is true, however.
- Kids also sleep before 7 pm and eat before 5 pm. Experts and parents generally believe and suggest this, although it’s a little challenging for parents who work full-time.