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24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can’t Ignore


24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can’t Ignore

Designs so bad yet hands-down hilarious!

It can be hard to believe how some specific people claim to be designers, yet fail miserably when it comes to even the simplest things. Everyone would agree that well-designed things are enjoyed and utilized effectively, but then a few designers tend to bless us with items we can’t help but call crappy.

Turns out, there’s a subreddit page, where most creatively depraved and beautifully sinister designs are shared and perhaps they’ll leave you pondering on how on Earth the things are permitted to get made.

Ranging from a town planning disaster, the interior design fails to messed-up product design, the Crappy Designs subreddit and its mouth-opening pics will definitely make you bury your head in your hands. Take a close look at these 25 epic design fails that are sure will leave you amused as well as confused. Enjoy!

But Why Would You Take Of Photo Of…. That?

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Chocolate Bars Looking Like They’re For Dogs. But Are Not

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Design With Green Stars Look Like Mold In Bread

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

This Is A Very Elusive Billboard

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Can You Read The Writings Properly?

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

The Creepy Clothing Display At A Store

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Wheel Chair Access Turned Out To Be A Staircase

This Elevator Buttons Are Confusing

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

This Globe Forgot There’s A Europe Continent

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Santa! I’ve Been A Good Girl, Please Stop

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

This Is Clearly Not For Navigational Purposes

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Professionally Designed!

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

The Platypus Period In Tea

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Barbed Wire Placed Across The Top Of The Gate. Nobody Should Climb Over Is The Aim!

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

A Near Death Experience With The Stairs

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Is That Slogan A Good Idea?

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Winnie, Is That Really You?

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Fire Signal Box That Locks Up Sender’s hand Until Released By A Policeman

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Urban Planning At The Peak

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This T-Shirt Design Is Out Rightly Scary

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

The 100% Impossible Quiz

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Please Pay Your Parking Fee Before Existing

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

This Is Tightly Secured. No Free Access For Any!

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

Meet The Four-Legged Duck Of Our Time

24 Hilarious Design Fails That You Can't Ignore

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