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24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City


24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Simple and functional designs.

Cities all across the globe are working with developers and even contractors in a bid to make city living better. Ranging from improving the timing of traffic lights to creating useful apps, well-implemented technologies have proven it can help governments save money and be efficient.

Well, making plans and bringing about smart designs is every designer’s aim and when it comes to assisting the Earth in fighting pollution, these designers surely deserve an award for their creative inventions.

Every city undeniably needs things that will make its resident’s everyday living to be more practical. Here we’ve compiled some of the smart designs you perhaps would love to see implemented around your environs. Have a look!

Public Restroom In Shibuya Tokyo Turns Opaque When It’s Locked

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

The Princess Leia Fire Hydrant On A Street

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

The Vomiting Donuts Escalator. Quite Hilarious Yet Creative

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Door Knob That Disappears When Locked

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

 Baby Store Has Different Surfaces To Road Tests Their Strollers

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Trash Can With Bottle Rack Attached To It Side

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

The Duck Ramp For Easy Access Into Water

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Button On A Crosswalk To Signal A Bus To Wait

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

This Water Fountain Tells You How Many Bottles You’ve Saved For Using It

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Pay Phone Booth Transformed Into A Defibrillator Station

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

The Women Only Parking Spaces In Germany

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Ramps To Help Climb The Stairs Alongside Your Bike

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Here’s A Bicycle Escalator, To Assist Cyclist Go Up Steep Hills

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City
Diego Delso

A Composter For Dog Poop

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

A Smart Design For Differentiating Seats In Scotland

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

This Green Man Plus Allows Disabled And Senior People Have A Longer Time Crossing The Road

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City
LTA singapore 

The Incredible Led Traffic Lights

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Benches That Can Be Converted Into Tables

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

Bench With A Guide For Exercises To Do On It

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City
cyclemonster /

The Speeding Ticket Robot

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City
SRI International

Here’s A Little Water Fountain For Dogs

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

The Foot-Operated Hand Sanitizer Spotted On Streets

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

A Stand For Bikers While Waiting For Traffic Lights

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

An Accessible Wheelchair Mat Placed On A Beach

24 Genius Designs That People Really Want To Have In Their Own City

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