20 People Who Quit Their Job On The First Day Because It Was A ‘Nope’ Moment
Good for those who dodged a bullet there.
While searching for a job, many youngsters in need of extra cash are often taken advantage of. Desperate for money, some people are willing to take risks in being hired for shady jobs. Some of these people were in those situations, but realizing that the job would hurt more than help, they decided to cut loss right then and there.
Adulting is hard, especially when people are always trying to cut corners and take advantage of their employees, pushing forward with unethical business practices and even illegal activities.

“It was a waitress gig for a local restaurant. I finished my first day, then was told that training would continue for six weeks. While I was in training, all of the tips I got had to be given to my trainer. I was being paid less than $2 an hour. I called the next day and said it wasn’t gonna work out.” – imagisnarf2
“When the microwave in the lunchroom was coin activated.” – CaptainAr***ole

“Worked in a hotel for a day. No one told me where anything was. Got chewed out for it. Guests enjoying their meals told me to pay no mind/I was doing a good job and that my boss is a c**t. I told the manager that I was quitting and wouldn’t be doing the next shift.
I arrived the next day, returning a work uniform and my supervisor approached me and yelled at me for being late. I told her I already quit but if I was working, technically I was 5 hours early for my shift. Absolute nutcases.” – O5CR

“I got a job at a Build-A-Bear knockoff at the end of a mall that wasn’t very busy. My interview with the owners was interesting. They were an older couple who said that they had wanted to open a Chick Fil A, but you need about a million dollars to do that. My first day, one other girl was working, and she didn’t really talk to me. I had basically no training and she disappeared into the back. I was standing at the register area, which was underneath a giant storybook mushroom. A mother and her young son walk in and start to look at the bearskin options. I greeted them and left them to look around. They ended up leaving after a couple minutes and my coworker reappeared from the back with the cordless phone and handed it to me. It was my boss.
He told me that when a customer walks in, he wants me to come out from under the mushroom to them (“come OUT! from the mushroom!”). After he finished speaking to me, I hung up and went to my coworker and asked about the phone call. She said the place has cameras set up and the owners watch them from their house and call in a lot. I did not come back to work after that day.” – pocketradish
“Fast food chain: I was 17. I found out during training that the place had been robbed 3 times in the past month and 1 employee was seriously injured. Not worth the $5/hr.” – ThunderFlash10

“Took a summer job at a textile plant and the trainer said, “Forget about taking a break if you want to stay caught up.” – p38-lightning
“Applied for a job at my longtime favorite restaurant (celebrated my birthday there every year). The owner asked me to come in for basically a try-out, as I communicated I was looking at other job possibilities. I came in and they just stick me on dishwashing for an hour, no biggie. Then their dishwasher didn’t show up, so the kitchen manager asked me to stay for their lunch rush, said I’ll get paid for the hours. I did. The kitchen staff was nice so I was happy to help out even though I figured I’d be taking a different job. I filled out a time card at the end of the shift and told the manager I probably wouldn’t be back. He understood and thanked me for the help.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, he told me to email the owner after I asked him if I should pick up my measly paycheck. I did. She basically told me to f*** off over text. Told me it was “staging” and that she told me I wouldn’t be paid. I responded that I understand that, but that I stayed an extra 3 hours which I WAS told I’d be paid for. She stopped responding, I decided I wanted to be petty over the 40 bucks, so I got the state labor department involved. Dude went in there and made her pay me for the hours including the first “staging” hour. Couple of weeks later I got my 40 bucks, never went back to that restaurant.” – sleepdyhollow

“Went into an Italian restaurant for my first day of work and I got 3 red flags on the very first day:
1. The manager said he had lots of hours for me and getting shifts would be no problem. Every single other employee told me that they were struggling for hours and that they had no idea why they hired me.
2- Everyone said the manager was an as***le. Even the customers.
3. It was my first day there, and I actually had to teach the woman training me how to do one or two things.” – Stevie-Avail
“My very first job was at a little drive-in restaurant close to my high school. I showed up to work the first day, the lady said I had to pay her $50 for training. She showed me around the place and said that my pay would be $4.50/hour as a carhop (this was in 2010), and all the tips I made went into a bucket with all the other girls’ tips. At the end of the night, she counted up tips, kept 20% for herself, and split the rest up evenly among EVERY employee. Also, part of our job was one day a week we had to spend 4 hours cleaning her house. It seemed super shady.
I literally left after listening to her go over all these rules. My dad was pissed until I explained, and another girl confirmed and my dad agreed I did the right thing.” – tlr92
“I was hired at a chain restaurant to be a hostess. I was so excited because my last job was washing dishes and because of my eczema, I had to quit. It was too painful to do that job. So, I arrived at my new job dressed up to be a hostess and those mfers took me back to the kitchen to do dishes because the dishwasher just quit. I nope’d out of there real fast!” – Ismygrayshowing

“‘Salesman’ for Kirby vacuums. First sale call was to a single elderly woman who was supporting her son in hospital (they got us in the door by offering a free carpet clean as a demonstration). The supervisor training me pushed and pushed to make the sale until this old woman was in tears. Just as she was about to sign the paperwork I asked if she actually wanted to vacuum and she said it was lovely but she couldn’t afford it. I took the paperwork away from her and said not to worry. Outside I told the supervisor I quit to which he replied I would’ve been fired anyway. No love lost. I hung around for half an hour playing on my phone to make sure the supervisor left because he was a real piece of work.” – Pokestralian
“I interviewed for a “professional marketing assistant” and got the job straight away. I was under the impression that I would be an assistant to the man I was interviewed by. When I showed up for my first day, the same waiting room I was in the previous day was FULL of people. I quickly learned that we were all hired and that I would be a door-to-door salesperson selling some pretty useless sh**.
I spent my entire day inside a Starbucks applying for other jobs and went home, got paid, but never went back.” – unelune
“I technically quit before my first day. I got hired at a well-known gift store. I was hired with the understanding that I would work Saturdays, Sundays, and a grand total of 8 hours a week (so two 4-hour shifts). Also at minimum wage. Not a problem with me, done that before, I would just pick up a part-time job for the rest of the week. Nope. Apparently, that wasn’t allowed. The manager thought that was a horrible thing and “disrespectful” to her. I should only work for them and only them and I should have better control over my money if I can’t survive on $64 a week before taxes… Yeah, didn’t show up cause f**k that noise. She called pissed off that I wouldn’t show up to such an opportunity.” – Hall5885

“I was a cashier at this cafeteria for a large company in my town. The people that worked at the company would put their tips in a bucket and the people made a lot of money so there were like 10s and 20s. The manager of the café wouldn’t let me have any of the tips because she said that ‘cashiers couldn’t be trusted,’ so she would ship the tip money to a church in El Paso. I immediately knew that this was a load of bullsh** and I just never went back. It’s also illegal (I think) to collect money for one thing but do something else with it without disclosing who/what it is for.” – CutCornersNotWrists
“Ended up being a scam to try and get free labor. I went for a job interview as a security guard; a man and a woman asked me my name, asked me how strong I was, then hired me and asked me to start immediately. That started alarm bells ringing: 2 questions in an interview and I am employed and working with no discussion about anything else.
They took me down to their warehouse (office interview was above it) and told me to start moving boxes from a shelf into a truck. I said hang on, the job is security, not manual labor and then they started getting really sh***y with me and saying if you want the job then you need to do this as part of it. I was like ‘yeah, nah, I am out’ and walked out. Total scam. There was no job and it really pissed me off because I could’ve gone to another interview at that time but choose to go there instead.” – Reddit
“Started a new job unloading shipping containers and was told they had to be empty by midday, this was imperative because a new one was going to arrive in the early afternoon. It was a two-man job if we both worked our **ses off to get it done.
Boss says ‘uh, also your offsider is off work today, you will need to get this cleared.’ I just walked out.” – Once_An_Optimist

“I had a job for one day selling home security equipment door to door. The whole idea was basically to make it seem like you’re doing them a service and then lock the customer into 5-year contracts.
My supervisor and I were in this one home of a family that hardly some English. The father said they had been struggling with finances but my supervisor kept pushing it on them, and the customer seemed like he didn’t fully understand what was going on. I couldn’t, in good conscience, take these people that were already struggling and put them in a worse position.” – Genocide_Fan
“I was hired to be a waitress, which has a lower hourly wage due to tips. The entire shift they had me wash dishes in the sink, but paid me waitress wages. A few months later the restaurant was investigated for a number of fraud activity.” – yellowchaitea

“I answered an ad for a babysitting job. I was already working on a casual basis but it was sporadic so I thought some after-hours babysitting would be welcome extra cash. The couple were both in the military and proceeded to tell me that I would be staying in the spare room and looking after their 6-month-old child around the clock as well as doing the housework. I would have one day off every two weeks. They said it is cash-in-hand so I could sign onto the dole (unemployment benefit) to make up the rest of the money.
I left on the spot. They wanted a live-in housemaid and nanny, not a babysitter and they were not able to pay for one. Why they thought it was up to me to illegally collect the dole to subsidies them I don’t know.” – battleangelred
“It was a petrol station and the manager wanted me to work for free until I had learned their computer systems to what he deemed a satisfactory extent. I agreed to do it because I needed a job, and he brought me in at 7 am on my first day, however, he was not present to go through the training with me, so I was just standing around kind of helping out on the forecourt but not really knowing what I should be doing. Not learning anything. After about an hour and a half without the manager showing up or anyone training me on anything, I decided that I wasn’t going to continue to be taken advantage of and told the cashier to pass on the message to the manager that I had quit.” – existentialgoof