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20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women


20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women

From entertainment to life priorities.

Men and women have lived together for centuries. Even though we share so many similarities, men and women often clash in terms of opinions and ways of doing things.

Sons know how mothers are really particular about small things. Daughters know how their dads can be so obsessed over inanimate objects like woodworking. Men know the torture of taking wives for shopping while women just don’t understand how hard it is to get a 24cm tampon for days with wings!

Here some of the funniest pictures that show the differences men and women show by Greenlemon. Don’t forget that it’s overcoming these small things that help you make your relationship healthier and stronger!

1. Men accompanying their girls to buy cosmetics.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© unknownauthor/imgur

2. Wife: I’ve changed the roll.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© FunWithAPorpoise/reddit

3. Husband did not want cats, but wife does. So, they compromised for 5 cats.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© HawaiianCam/reddit

4. Man manages to accomplished this while gf watches reality show.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© rbuchwald/reddit

5. Gf’s definition of a relaxing day out at the golf field.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© sadraddude/reddit

6. Taking your vegan gf to a romantic dinner date like:

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© casiopeadistrict/reddit

7. Girlfriend shows up to bf’s birthday dressed as him.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© mattbozle/reddit

8. Boyfriend sneaked a picture of gf multitasking.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© Kiiwiiz/reddit

9. Told girlfriend NOT to get kitten a sweater. So, she got one.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© PrestinSowers/reddit

10. Husband went grocery shopping and thanks to him, now this basket is full of cupcakes.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© milly822/reddit

11. Wife was asked for a specific mic from a specific brand. She now understands guys’ confusion when picking tampons.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© technocloudmau5/reddit

12. Husband said dirty floor needed cleaning and he could do it instead. She said no worries – she’ll clean half of it. Disclaimer: they have no tiled floors.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© ordin22/reddit

13. Boyfriend doesn’t want to give up his turn on Xbox, so…

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© unknownauthor/imgur

14. The heaven every husband could ever ask for when shopping with wife.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© KUweatherman/reddit

15. This is boyfriend on his 30th picture.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© CaffeinatedOak/reddit

16. Couple did not agree on how the Christmas tree should be decorated. They started this joke 4 years ago and it’s going strong.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© TheArcticBear/reddit

17. Boyfriend doesn’t believe that his cat is bullying gf’s cat.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© lls1494/reddit

18. Boyfriend made a deal with gf to find uglier footwear so she’ll stop teasing his Crocs.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© TrentWatts/reddit

19. Getting a haircut.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© Brightside

20. Tried to give gf a surprise for Christmas, but pillow may have turned out a little weird.

20 Hilarious Pics Show Just How Different Men Are From Women
© Wizard117/reddit

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